Hello beautiful!

I am Shalvika

Welcome to this space of healing and blooming!

I have been coaching for 3.5 years now and I’ve worked with literally hundreds of people

I have myself been on this journey of self discovery and coming home to my own self

But its only now that I  feel like I’m ready to be fully me

Embracing my own flaws, patterns, uniqueness and of course, weirdness 

And finally, from that space of self acceptance, I have created an experience that’s specifically tailored to the modern woman

And its not the ‘good vibes only’, farting toxic positivity through our asses kind of an experience 

This is an experience for you to bloom into your truest self

With your darkness, your weirdness, your messiness, your habit of sabotaging everything that you desire, your laziness, your procrastinating tendencies, every single part of you that makes you, YOU! 


Does this sound like you?

 🌻 You feel like you’re constantly chasing this illusive goal that’s suddenly gonna make you happy. But then you get there and nothing changes. You’re still discontented and still chasing a goal. Just a newer one 

🌻 You are stuck in a constant cycle of self sabotage, guilt and inaction. You know what you need to do, you just aren’t able to get yourself to do it

🌻 You are a chronic people pleaser. So much so that you feel drained all the time and you blame everyone for ‘using’ you

🌻 You don’t trust yourself! Every time your intuition wants to tell you something, your brain screams “ask XYZ!” “What will people say!” “OMG you’re such a bitch!” “Why cant you just be normal?”

🌻 You feel like you’re disconnected with yourself. You do a bunch of things every day but you always know that you’re meant for something more

What do the 6 weeks look like?

I. Tending to your inner garden:
Finding your way to childlike wonder and watching your inner child blossom

II. Unbecoming:
Letting go of the patterns that have been holding you back-
Beliefs, recurrent thoughts, narratives

III. Emotional Hygiene:
Declutter your Emotional state. Learn the art of regulating your emotions so that you feel grounded, calm and collected even in the most tense situations 

IV. Pleasure:
Letting go of the 'guilt' from pleasure and just feel the pleasure. Unapologetically

V. Connecting with the Divine Feminine:
Finding your essence and connecting to your highest self through self devotion rituals

VI. Discovery:
What do you yearn for? Not what you want but what do you long for? Dive into your deepest desires


When will the live calls be?
We will have the live coaching calls on every Saturday at 11 am IST/ 5 pm ISThgby
How long do I have access to the program?
I believe in going deeper and deeper in your study and so you will have lifetime access to all of the curriculum so that you can deep dive whenever you want
Will the coaching calls be recorded?
Yes, all coaching calls will be recorded and you will have access to the calls in case you missed attending live
How long will the program take each week?
You will need about 1-2 hours of deep dive work every week 

"The biggest surprise for me was the bit about pleasure. That's one topic that not a lot of people in this profession talk about. I think it's a hush hush topic among a lot of women in my life, and especially because I'm a woman myself, and I sort of have I always wanted to socially emulate so much from my mother, my grandmother. They taught me a lot about how to be restricted in the roles I play, but from Bloom, I saw so much more than breaking even from all these roles, and just being myself irrespective of the gender, irrespective of the background I come from, but all that really mattered was just my

characteristics, my achievements, my personality as a whole. And it wasn't restricted by roles."

"I would recommend Bloom to anyone who has emotional baggage, and we all do and your baggage is the one that is impeding your growth and standing in the way of your own dreams. This baggage makes us procrastinate, makes us play smallso I will definitely recommend first to sort out that emotional baggage. This is for anyone who wants to become a better version of themselves. Because once you're a better version of yourself, then you can be a better employee and be a better parent or a better spouse whatever. If you feel that you are much more capable than where you are currently, you should go for Bloom and start blooming"

"A highlight for me was the mega hug. We hug people we love, if they are in distress or we celebrate them or cheer them up by hugging them. But why don't we hug our own inner child? Why don't we give ourselves a Mega hug. So, that is something that's really helping me out, that is really uplifting my vibration state. My present version now has so much of love for my inner child. I'm not getting stuck in ‘oh but these things are missing’ Instead I am able to see what I am getting out of a situation And I'm a much, much better with my daughter. And that's what I eventually wanted. I'm much more patient with her. If something you know where I am losing my control, then I'm just going away. Coming back with more love. Sorted"

Quit letting your dreams stay dreams